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9th International Slag Valorisation Symposium

From residues to resources and resilience

8-11 April 2025   —  Leuven, Belgium

Key dates

Extended abstract submissionSeptember 30, 2024
Paper submission deadlineJanuary 15, 2025
Early bird registrationMarch 1, 2025
SymposiumApril 8-11, 2025

Slag Valorisation

We are now more than ever aware of the risks which we encounter on this precious planet. As our society is facing several challenges, such as climate change, depletion of resources, global socio-economic and energy crises and human inequality, we realize that action is urgently needed. Through the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations, we have a roadmap and strategy to transform our world by 2030. This is the Decade of Action. Although efforts are made around the world to make this transition happen, the progress is not yet at full speed and scale, and we need to take critical steps to tackle current and future challenges. To achieve SDG 12 “sustainable consumption and production patterns”, we should make considerable steps forward in the development of sustainable practices in the metallurgical sector, among others, through the valorisation of high-temperature residues and other wastes or by-products.

The International Slag Valorisation Symposium

Today in its 9th edition, the “Slag Valorisation Symposium”, organised by the Materials Engineering Department at KU Leuven and held in Belgium since 2009 as a biennial conference, serves as a forum for discussions on the valorisation of slags and other metallurgical residues as well as numerous industrial process waste streams. The symposium has historically brought together different expertise from academia and industry, providing a knowledge platform to share and discuss the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the world of slag and residue valorisation and sustainable high-temperature processes. After a successful physical edition in 2023, we are happy to invite and welcome again high-level speakers from globally recognised organisations. The symposium aims to cover several topics, from the scientific and technical relevance of slag and residue valorisation to its environmental and economic impacts. The quality of the scientific committee, selected among the most recognised experts in this field, will ensure the highest standards of the accepted works.

The objectives

The objective of this 9th edition of the International Slag Symposium – From Residues to Resources and Resilience – is to discuss and share the most updated findings in the field of slag and metallurgical residues valorisation, metals recovery, slag’s or metallurgical residues’ life cycle analysis, policy for wastes and residues valorisation guided by climate neutrality and resource efficiency principles. We invite all researchers and other actors to share their enthusiasm by submitting their works on the following topics:

  • Fundamental studies on liquid and solid slags
  • Hot-stage slag engineering, slag solidification, slag conditioning, internal reuse
  • Slag cleaning and metal recovery from metallurgical residues
  • Production, properties and performance of slag-based/residue-based products
  • Process development for sustainable technologies
  • Industrial case studies on slag/residue valorisation
  • Environmental and economic analysis
  • Policy and regulations

The contributions submitted by the participants, together with the lectures from the invited speakers, will enhance discussions and new ideas towards a more sustainable future.


The ninth edition of the International Slag Valorisation Symposium is sponsored by ABO Global, ArcelorMittal, ESTEP, Opta/Affival and the affiliates within the Centre for High Temperature Processes and Sustainable Materials Management.