Tuesday 8 April 2025
Workshop “Slag Valorisation roadmap: From calculations to pilot scale”
Wednesday 9 April 2025
Plenary talk
Jyri Talja
Betolar, Finland TBD09:40
Plenary talk
Hiroyuki Matsuura
University of Tokyo, Japan Role of Organic Acid on the Accelerated Dissolution of Nutrients from Steelmaking Slag into Aqueous Environment10:20
Coffee break
Parallel session
Metal recovery and slag cleaning I
Vangelis Palavos-Chesper
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Tin Residue Valorisation via Carbon Neutral Reduction -
Eva Benzal Montes
Eurecat – Technological Centre of Catalonia Recovery of Valuable Metals from Aluminium Dross -
Joao Weiss
RWTH Aachen Influence of TiO2 and CaO Addition in Synthetic Fayalitic Slag Targeting Tantalum Mineral Enrichment -
Apet Nikoyan
University of Bremen Identification of unknown Crystalline Species Suitable for the Recovery of Refractory Elements from Metallurgical Slags -
Michail Vafeias
National Technical University of Athens Metallurgical Valorisation Pathways for Calcium Aluminate Slags: a Versatile Raw Material for Future Circular Processes
Parallel session
Copper slag valorisation
Dorothea Schneider
RWTH Aachen Study on Slag Design of Fayalitic By-Products as an Oxide Raw Material for Solar Heat Absorber and Storage Media -
Karen Valencia García
Universidad Autónoma de México Copper metallurgical slag as a sustainable precursor of iron oxide Nano catalysts integrated into a geopolymer to remove organic compounds from water -
Jenny Isaksson
Luleå University of Technology The Effect of Industrial CaO Modification of Iron Silicate Slag on the Feasibility of Utilizing the Slag as a Supplementary Cementitious Material -
Elin Lundmark
Luleå University of Technology Effect of ZnO Concentration on Iron Silicate Slag Reactivity in Cement Pore Solution -
Konstantina Koukouza
KU Leuven Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure in Molten Copper Slags on Hazardous Element Leaching Behaviour
Lunch break
Parallel session
Recovery of critical raw materials I
Alena Schnickmann
Clausthal University of Technology Crystallization Behaviour of Li-Mn-Oxides During Solidification Regarding Li Recovery -
Stephan Sander
TU Bergakademie Freiberg Applying the Concept of Glass Ceramics: a Potential Path to Valorise Slags as Resource to Recover Critical Elements -
Lexi K’Ng
University of Queensland Examining Critical Metals in Australia’S Slag: Uncovering Re-Use Options via Characterisation -
Wouter Schroeyers
Hasselt University Multidisciplinairy Study on Sustainable Phosphogypsum Recycling and Management
Parallel session
Mineral carbonation / carbon sequestration I
Arne Peys
VITO Engineering the Phase Composition of Akermanitic Carbonatable Clinkers to Achieve High CO2 Reactivity -
Natalia Pires Martins
VITO Mineral Carbonation of a Ferronickel Slag-Based Clinker -
Mojca Loncnar
SIJ Acroni Evaluation of Potential use of Carbonated Steel Slag as Additives in Mortars -
Liesbeth Horckmans
VITO Can Dynamic Mineral Carbonation be used to Make Low Carbon Binders from Steel Slags?
Coffee break
Parallel session
High temperature slag engineering I
Dharm Jeet Gavel
Tata Steel Fluxing Hisarna Ironmaking Process With Steel Making Slag -
Philipp Keuter
GTT-Technologies Ai-Assisted Optimization of Slag Compositions for Enhanced Valorisation using ChemApp for Python -
Mert Saraçoğlu
KU Leuven Investigating Slag Formation Mechanisms in Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD): a Thermodynamic and Experimental Approach
Parallel session
Iron and steel slag valorisation I
Ayane Jinnouchi
Kobe Steel Practical Application of Ground Improvement Method using Steelmaking Slag -
Maria Michela Dell’Anna
Politecnico di Bari Waste Steel Slag as Efficient Support for Iron Oxo/Hydroxo Species as Organic Synthesis Catalysts -
Michiel Giels
KU Leuven Valorisation of Electric Arc Furnace Slag Towards Reactive Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Poster pitches
Somnath Basu
Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology Influence of metal ion leaching on remediation of arsenic-contaminated water using -
Ekinsu Akdogan
KU Leuven A Review on Environmental and Technoeconomic Assessments of Direct Reduced Iron (Dri) Production Technologies and Comparison of the Results With Other Steel Production Techniques -
Yakinthi Avtzi
KU Leuven Options for the Valorisation of Steel Slags and Their Environmental Impact -
Rim Boulahya
KU Leuven Integrated Framework for an Environmental and Economic Assessment for Hydrogen-Based Steel Production Technologies. -
Katya Brunelli
Univeristy of Padua Production of Ferroalloy using Ladle Slag and PV Cells -
Sheshang Singh Chandel
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Enhancing the Efficiency of Slag-Metal Separation through Parameter Optimization in Hot-Stage Treatment of Electric Arc Furnace Slag -
Milad Eskandarinia
University of Oulu Effects of Post-Milling Duration on Steel Slag Particle Size Distribution and Reactivity -
Vojtech Ettler
Charles University Slags from Zambian Copper Smelters – Mineralogy, Leaching Properties and Resource Potential -
Yi Huang
University of Science and Technology Beijing The Effect of Crystallization Temperature on the Properties of Silicon Manganese Slag Cast Stone -
Rafik Kheffache
Heliosand Heliosand: Solar Vitrification Technology -
Jannes König
Heidelberg Materials AG Durability Performance of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Slag Derived from the Smelting of DRI -
Joscha Kortmann
RWTH Aachen Machine Learning-Based Optimisation for Slag Design in Recycling Fine Fractions from Waste Treatment Facilities for use in Construction Materials -
Mohamed Hosny Elsayed Mostafa Mahmoud
University of Glasgow Valorisation of Industrial Wastes: Exploring Red Mud-Derived Fe2O3 Composites for Efficient Doxycycline Adsorption -
Piero Mastrorilli
Politecnico di Bari Steel Slags as Catalyst for the Microwave-Assisted Conversion of Waste Cooking Oil into Biodiesel -
Antoine Floribert Mulaba-Bafubiandi
University of Johannesburg Citric Acid Recovery of Cu from Crucible Furnace Slag: Feasibility and Kinetics -
Antoine Floribert Mulaba-Bafubiandi
University of Johannesburg Management of Secondary Slag from the Repurposing of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle Conversion to Electric: Compliance and Reinforcement of Environmental Policies and Legislation in South Africa -
Roberto Parra
Universidad de Concepción Kinetics of Iron Reduction from Copper Slags by using a Novel Green Hydrogen Reduction Process -
Majda Pavlin
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute Leaching of Toxic Elements from Alkali-Activated Stone Wool and Stainless Steel Industry By-Products -
Xiao Pengcheng
North China University of Science and Technology Research and Optimization of High Speed Continuous Casting Slag for Low and Medium Carbon Steel Thin Slab -
Ganesh Pilla
KU Leuven Hydrogen (H2) Reduction of Bauxite Residue (“Red Mud”): from Laboratory to Pilot-Scale Implementation -
Richard Schneider
RWTH Aachen Slag as an Important Parameter for Electroslag Remelting of Copper Alloys -
Debadri Som
KU Leuven Optimization of Fe-Rich Slag-Based Mortars: Putting Mathematics to Work -
Ganna Stovpchenko
Tianjin Heavy Industry Research and Development Co Analysis and Justification of Principles for Enhancing the Composition and Production Methods of ESR Slags -
Leandro Voisin
University of Chile Analysis of Copper Recovery, Energy Consumption, and Gas Emissions in the Treatment of Smelting Slag through Controlled Cooling, Milling, and Flotation -
Katharina Weisser
TU Graz Valorisation of Austrian Electric Arc Furnace Slag (EAF) and Ladle Slag (LS) by Carbonation Sequestration -
Shaowen Wu
Chinese academy of science Carbon Dioxide Uptake of B2O3-Stabilized Metallurgical Slag Towards High Strength Building Materials -
Samantha Yvars
TU Eindhoven Effect of Weathering and Free Lime Content on the Reactivity of BOF Slag -
Christiaan Zeilstra
Tata Steel IJmuiden Investigation of Slags Arising from the HIsarna Ironmaking Process in Building Materials Application -
Shuai Zhang
KU Leuven Effect of Nano-SiO2 on the Mechanical Properties and Carbonation of Solid Waste-Based Alkali-Activated Materials -
Lichun Zheng
Northeastern University China Effect of Additives on the Morphology of Metallic Particles Produced by Carbothermal Reduction of Stainless Steel Dust
Welcome Reception
Social activity
Guided city tour
Thursday 10 April 2025
09:00Plenary talk
Sander Everstein
Tata Steel IJmuiden, The Netherlands TBD09:40
Sponsor pitches
Coffee break
Parallel session
Mineral carbonation / carbon sequestration II
Anna Haas
Neustark AG The Potential of Storing CO₂ in Slags -
Luka Ceyssens
KU Leuven Mechanochemical Activation of Argon Oxygen Decarburization Slags for Improved Mineral Carbonation -
Elijah Adesanya
University of Oulu Utilization of Biochar to Enhance CO₂ Sequestration in Electric-Arc Furnace Slag Mortars -
Alfonso Chinnici
The University of Adelaide Mineral Carbonation of Iron-Containing Waste from Heavy Industry: an Opportunity for Critical Minerals Recovery, By-Products Production and Carbon Capture
Parallel session
Iron and steel slag valorisation II
Elsayed Mousa
Swerim Hot Processing of Steel Slag Aiming a CO2-Neutral Cement Production -
Katharina Schraut
Université de Toulouse Vitrification and Reactivity of Synthetic High-Iron EAF Slags under Different Redox Conditions -
Joachim Schneider
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung Usage of BOF Slag and Next Generation EAF Slag in the Cement Industry -
Paulo Araos
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Alkali Activation of Ladle Furnace Slag using Na and K Based-activators: Influence of Portland Cement as a Secondary Precursor
Lunch break
Parallel session
Metal recovery and slag cleaning II
Martin Lichovník
Charles University Using Automated Mineralogy for Tailoring the Metal Recovery from a Copper Slag -
Katya Brunelli
Univeristy of Padua Ladle Steel Slag Valorisation through Aluminothermic Reduction -
David Petriw
University of Toronto Hydrogen Direct Reduction and Magnetic Separation for the Extraction of Iron from Steelmaking Slag -
José Palacios
Universidad de las Américas Iron Recovery from Copper Slag Is achieved using a Green Hydrogen Reduction Process -
Hugo Lucas
RWTH Aachen Enam Based on Lithium-Ion-Batteries Pyrometallurgical Treatment
Parallel session
Residues valorisation: Environmental aspect, economic aspects and regulations
Ponnapat Watjanatepin
KU Leuven Full Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Mineral Carbonation of Steel Slags as a Carbon, Capture, Utilization and Storage Material in Agriculture -
Shana Baumgartner
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Environmental Impact and Elemental Behaviour in Ferrochrome Smelting: A Life Cycle Assessment of Slag and By-Products -
Nicole Dilissen
Buildwise Advancing Valorising Slag: Establishing a Belgian Standard Framework for Alkaline Activated Materials. -
Daniel Monfort
BRGM Assessing the Potential of Critical Raw Materials Content in European Steel Slag
Coffee break
Parallel session
Mineral wastes valorisation
Florian Roman Steindl
TU Graz Innovative Upcycling Approaches for Slags and Mineral Wastes: Transforming Secondary Raw Materials into Novel Building Materials -
Nikolaos Athanasakis
KU Leuven Hydrothermally Cured Pressed Monoliths from Construction and Demolition Waste as New Building Materials -
Klaus Doschek-Held
Montanuniversität LeobenValorisation of Mineral Wool Waste into Supplementary Cementitious Material Valorisation of Mineral Wool Waste into Supplementary Cementitious Material -
Kostas Komnitsas
TUC Geochemical and Environmental Assessment of Mining – Metallurgical Wastes and Alkali Activating Materials
Parallel session
High temperature slag engineering II
Christoph Gatschlhofer
Montanuniversität Leoben Phosphide Formation Behaviour During Carbothermal Reduction of Chemically Modified Industrial and Phosphorus-Rich /-Poor Synthetic Basic Oxygen Furnace like Slag Systems -
Yao-Hung Tseng
China Steel Corporation A Breakthrough in Magnetic Phase Enrichment through Molten BOF Slag Treatment -
Ganna Stovpchenko
Tianjin Heavy Industry Research and Development Co Experimental Study of Physicochemical Properties for New Fluoride-Oxide Slag for ESR of Easy-Oxidising Steels -
Joao Rezende
GTT-Technologies The GTT-Technologies Oxide Database (GTOx): Newest Developments
Conference dinner
Friday 11 April 2025
09:00Plenary talk
Joren Verschaeve
Environmental Coalition on Standards, Belgium TBD09:40
Plenary talk
Inge Bellemans
Ghent University, Belgium Investigating the electrical conductivity in oxidic slags through a combined molecular dynamics – experimental approach10:20
Coffee break
Parallel session
Electric Arc Furnace slag engineering and valorisation
David Algermissen
FEhS – Building Materials Institute From Scrap Based EAF Slags to Next Generation Steel Making Slags -
Marco Cantaluppi
University of Oulu Characterization of Hydrogen Reduced Iron-based Electric Arc Furnace Slags (H2-DRI-EAFS) and comparison with Scrap-based EAFS -
Ismael Matino
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Advanced Data-Driven Methods for Predicting Electric Steelmaking Slags -
Anniina Merenluoto
University of Oulu Effects of Modification and Granulation on the Structure of Dri-Based EAF Slag -
Thibaut Marcon
CRM Group Use of Model and Pilot Scale Plasma Furnace to Assess the Next-Gen Dri-EAF Slags
Parallel session
Utilisation of Fe-rich residues
Fabio Oliveira
KU Leuven Use of Common Materials as Additives to Enhance the Performance of Autoclaved Monoliths Made from Bauxite Residue -
Andreas Appel
Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences Use of Iron Silicate Granulate as Supplementary Cementitious Material -
Tobias Hertel
KU Leuven Evaluating the Performance of Bauxite-Residue Based Monoliths: the Role of Material Characteristics -
Jan Urbánek
UCT Prague Bauxite Residue Vitrification in a Pilot Cement Rotary Kiln -
Mathijs Schuurmans
Optia Designing Novel Material Mixtures using Gray-Box Modelling and Numerical Optimization
Lunch break
Parallel session
Iron and steel slag valorisation III
Muhammad Salman
IIT Bombay Alkali-Activated Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Binder Based Concrete Mixtures Tailored for Pumping Applications -
Guillaume Lepêcheur
KU Leuven Reaction Limiting Mechanisms and Kinetic Modelling of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Hydration in R3 Model Systems -
Moise Kalenga
University of the Witwatersrand Valorising a Novel Open Bath Furnace Slag as a Viable Supplementary Cementitious Material -
Anna Krammer
Montanuniversität Leoben Physical Properties of Carbothermally Treated Metallurgical Residues for Application in the Cement Industry
Parallel session
Recovery of critical raw materials II
Zouhir Balagh
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Dolomite-Rich Waste Rock Processing using Phosphoric Acid: Towards Circular Economy in the Phosphate Industry -
Sander Arnout & Elise François
InsPyro NV – ResourceFull FlashPhos – Proof of Concept of Recovery of Elemental Phosphorus and Valuable Slag from Sewage Sludge -
Mohamed Haidouri
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Sustainable Closed-Loop Process for the Valorisation of Phosphate Mine Waste Rock -
Antoine Floribert Mulaba-Bafubiandi
University of Johannesburg Value Recovery from Aluminium Secondary Dross through Mechanical Activation and Oxalic Acid Dissolution
Closing session