Symposium Book

Proceedings of the Third International Slag Valorisation Symposium: The Transition to Sustainable Materials Management
Proceedings of the Third International Slag Valorisation Symposium: The Transition to Sustainable Materials Management
The world is facing unstable but rising fossil energy prices, resource and (critical) raw material shortages and unprecedented environmental challenges. The transition to Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is the twin brother of the transition towards a sustainable energy system. As a resource poor and import dependent continent, the European Union in particular is in need of an effective raw material strategy. Such a strategy will need to be based on resource efficiency, recovery and recycling. The valorisation of residues from high-temperature processes - the topic for this Third International Slag Valorisation Symposium - is an essential element of this SMM strategy. In this Symposium Book the reader can find all papers and posters (abstracts) presented at the Third Slag Valorisation Symposium. The papers from the 16 invited speakers are grouped according to four thematic categories:
Considering the wide diversity and geographical origin of the speakers, it can be stated that this book provides a rich overview of the contemporary trends in the worldwide research and innovation strategies as regards the valorisation of ferrous and non-ferrous slag, fly ash, bottom ash and numerous other high-temperature (metallurgical) residues.
16 papers from speakers, short poster papers, list of exhibitors, list of participants (all papers will be available as individual pdf-files at the downloads page).
A hard copy of the book can be obtained at the price of 50 euro (including shipping costs) by sending your request to , together with the completed customer information sheet.