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Session 1: Hot stage slag engineering for higher added value applications and energy recuperation
Paper Presentation Heribert Motz, andreas Ehrenberg and Dirk Mudersbach
"Dry solidification with heat recovery of ferrous slag"
Paper Presentation Guangqiang Li, Hua Zhang, Hongwei Ni and Muxing Guo
"Current development of the slag valorization in China"
Paper Presentation Kenneth C. Mills and Muxing Guo
"Slag properties and their importance to better process control and product quality"
Paper Presentation Tomo Isawa
"Update of iron and steelmaking slag in Japan and current developments for valorisation"
Paper Weiwei Zhai, Pengzhong Shi, Qiang Wang, Wenwen Li, Furen You, Guanhai Gao, Na Na, Jinkun Li and Jianqi Zhang
"Electrochemical behaviour of rare earth based aluminium alloys"
Paper Pengcheng Yan, Lieven Pandelaers, Lieven Machiels, Yiannis Pontikes, Muxing Guo and Bart Blanpain
"Effect of gas-slag interaction on valorisation of high temperature treated waste"
Paper Shuigen Huang, Muxing Guo, Peter Tom Jones and Bart Blanpain
"Fayalite slag modified stainless steel AOD slag"
Session 2: Metal recovery from slags and high temperature residues
Paper Presentation Markus A. Reuter and Antoinette van Schaik<
"Review of metal recycling: end-of-life products, residues, wastes, slags, design for sustainability, eco-labelling"
Paper Presentation Mario Sanchez and Michael Sudbury
"Reutilization of primary metallurgical wastes: copper slags as a source of copper, molybdenum, and iron - brief review testwork and the proposed way forward"
Paper Presentation Guozhe Ye, Mikael Lindvall and Marcel Magnusson
"SWEREA MEFOS perspective on metal recovery from slags"
Paper Presentation Efthymios Balomenos and Dimitrios Panias
"Iron recovery and production of high added value products from the metallurgical by-products of primary aluminum and ferronickel industries"
Paper Elisa Allegrini, Maria S. Holtze and Thomas F. Astrup
"Metal recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash (MSWIBA): state of the art, potential and environmental benefits"
Paper Evgeny Selivanov, Roza Gulyaeva, Sergey Istomin, Vyacheslav Belyaev, Sergey Krayukhin and andrey Bykov
"Viscosity and thermal properties of slag in the process of autogenous smelting of copper-zinc concentrates"
Paper Wenchen Song, Kun Li, Quan Zheng and Hong Li
"New process of extracting vanadium from molten vanadium slag"
Paper Xuan Wang, Daneel Geysen, Tom Van Gerven and Bart Blanpain
"Characterisation of copper slag in view of metal recovery"
Session 3: Critical metal recovery from slags and metallurgical residues
Paper Presentation Koen Binnemans, Yiannis Pontikes, Annelies Malfliet, Muxing Guo, Peter Tom Jones, Bart Blanpain
"REE recovery from industrial residues: a critical review"
Paper Presentation Synthia Maes, Simon De corte, Tom Hennebel, Nico Boon and Willy Verstraete
"Using biometallurgy to recover critical metals from low concentration streams"
Paper Presentation George Zheng Chen
"The FFC Cambridge Process for Metal Production: Principle, Practice and Prospect"
Paper Mieke Campforts, Stijn Foerier, Karolien Vasseur and Christina Meskers
"Valorisation of critical metals from high temperature residues at Umicore"
Paper Yongxiang Yang, Shoshan Abrahami and Yanping Xiao
"Recovery of rare earth elements from EoL permanent magnets with molten slag extraction"
Session 4: High-added value end-use of slags and metallurgical residues
Paper Presentation Jean-Marie Delbecq, Gilles Franceschini and Marc Fixaris
"Blast-furnace and steelmaking slags: which future valorisation in the next 20 years?"
Paper Christina Leonelli, Isabella Lancellotti, Chiara Ponzoni, Luisa Barbieri and Maria Chiara Bignozzi
"Alkali activation for geopolymers preparation"
Paper Presentation Joăo A. Labrincha, Walid Hajjaji, Luciano Sneff, Chiara Zanelli, Michele Dondi and Fernando Rocha
"Novel Inorganic Products Based on Industrial Wastes"
Paper Presentation Mantijn Van Leeuwen
"Role of slag in the Sustainable Concrete Roadmap 2015-2020 from a concrete producer's perspective"
Paper Valérie Cappuyns, Vajiheh Alian, Elvira Vassilieva and Rudy Swennen
"pH dependent leaching behaviour of Zn, Cd, Pb and As from slags: kinetics and mineralogical control"
Paper Lieven Machiels, Lukas Arnout, Yiannis Pontikes, Peter Tom Jones and Bart Blanpain
"Fe-Si-glasses as geopolymer precursors: decreasing the amount of activating solution?"
Paper Marius Bodor, Rafael M. Santos, Lubica Kriskova, Jan Elsen, Maria Vlad and Tom Van Gerven
"Synthesis of selected mineral compounds for in-depth analysis of steel slags during carbonation"
Paper Remus Ion Iacobescu, Yiannis Pontikes, Annelies Malfliet, Lieven Machiels, Howard Epstein, Peter Tom Jones and Bart Blanpain
"A secondary alumina source for the stabilisation of CaO-SiO-MgO slags"
Paper Remus Ion Iacobescu, Lieven Machiels, Yiannis Pontikes, Peter Tom Jones and Bart Blanpain
"Hydraulic reactivity of quenched Fe, Si-rich slags in the presence of Ca(OH)2"
Paper Ruben Snellings and Karen Scrivener
"Glass reactivity: analysis by dissolution experiments"
Paper Lubica Kriskova, Yiannis Pontikes, Özlem Cizer, Koen Van Balen, Peter Tom Jones and Bart Blanpain
"Alkali activation of ?-dicalcium silicate and merwinite"
Paper Thi Thu Dung Tran, Valérie Cappuyns, Rudy Swennen, Elvira Vassilieva and Ky Phung Nguyen
"Combination of leaching tests and mineralogical characterisation to assess inorganic contaminant mobility in blasted copper slag"
Paper Yu Li, Xiaoming Liu, Daqiang Cang, Can Wang and Bukaihan Jianaer
"Sintering mechanisms of glass-ceramic derived from residual molten slag"
Paper Konstantinos Sakkas, Pavlos Nomikos, Alexandros Sofianos and Dimitrios Panias
"Utilisation of FeNi - slag for the production of inorganic polymeric materials"
Paper Ay?e Ece Yildizçelik, Samet Yilmaz, Aslan Ünal and Onuralp Yücel
"Use of EAF slags as asphalt aggregate"
Paper Xu Gao, Michimasa Okubo, Nobuhiro Maruoka, Hiroyuki Shibata, Toyoaki Ito and Shinya Kitamura
"Recovery of paddy field damaged by tsunami and earthquake using steelmaking slag"
Paper Gildas Adégoloyé, Anne-Lise Beaucour, Sophie Ortola and Albert Noumowé
"Mineralogical characterisation of EAF and AOD slags using ultraviolet fluorescence"
Paper Gildas Adégoloyé, Anne-Lise Beaucour, Sophie Ortola and Albert Noumowé
"High-strength concrete using EAF and AOD slags as aggregates"
Paper Silviana Onisei, Yiannis Pontikes, Diran Apelian and Bart Blanpain
"Synthesis of inorganic polymers from metallurgical residues"
Paper Baowei Li, Xiaolin Jia and Xuefeng Zhang
"Microwave-assisted processing for the synthesis of LiFePO4/C composite powders from the steel slags"
Paper Baowei Li, Ming Zhao, Leibo Deng and Xuefeng Zhang
"Erosion mechanism of a slag glass-ceramic of CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2 system in hydrochloric (HCl) acid solution"
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